After India, Motorola has also recently announced its mobile phone Backflip series in Malaysia, Android phones will soon be launched in the country. Backflip Motorola has a reverse flip design that allows to hide a QWERTY keyboard. Backflip Motorola has a 3.1 inch screen HVGA, Qualcomm 528 MHz processor, Backtrack feature located on the back side prangkat, 5MP camera, auto focus, LED flash, GPS, stereo Bluetooth, MPEG4, audio 3.5 mm hole and capable of supporting up to 32 GB of memory.
Motorola Backflip on the outcome there is still presented with a Cupcake Android 1.5 Android 2.1 can be upgraded into eclairs. It is still not known for Motorola Android version Backflip Malaysia. This phone is released in India with the price of 4:45 million dollars, while Malaysia is still not informed remedy what price will be at its official price. Currently no information on whether Motorola Backflip also be launched in Indonesia.