As you know, the Nokia N8 can take photos with high resolution 12MP and HD video recording in 25 frames per second. Not long ago, a hacker who managed to modify renamed itself HyperX mencpaai Nokia N8 to better results for photo and video quality.
For the photograph, hackers succeeded in reducing the compression of photos taken by Nokia N8. When usually the result of 12 MP resolution photos of the Nokia N8 has a file size of about 2MB for having compressed, the size of the image can be 11MB per photo.
Looking at his size which rose more than 5 x folding, it looks like its photo quality is also increasing. You can see the results of his photos here (size 10.9MB). For the video, the hacker managed to make the Nokia N8 camera to record HD video in 30frame per second. Increasing the frame is clearly improving the quality of the video because there was the addition of 5 frames per second.
HyperX is still not released the hack for the Nokia N8 is, at least for now. Amun could be available later in the foreseeable future